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How to Help Students Who Struggle With Math?

Mathematics can sometimes be a challenging subject for young learners. As caregivers and educators at nursery schools in Wimbledon, it’s important to understand how to effectively support children who may find math difficult. This article explores practical strategies, common challenges and the importance of creating a supportive environment to help children develop confidence and succeed […]

What are Childcare Vouchers?

Childcare vouchers were a popular UK government initiative designed to help working parents afford the cost of childcare by providing tax-efficient savings. This scheme allowed parents to exchange part of their salary for vouchers that could be used to pay for childcare services, effectively reducing their taxable income and increasing their take-home pay. Although the […]

How to Support a Child With Learning Disabilities?

Learning disabilities affect the way children acquire, process or communicate information, posing challenges that can impact their academic performance, social interactions and self-esteem. As part of the annual Learning Disability Week, it is essential to raise awareness and provide strategies to support children with learning disabilities. What is Learning Disability Week? Learning Disability Week is […]