Each of our Toddler One rooms will cater for 12 or 15 children per session from 18 months to two and a half years

An exciting time in a child’s development when they are learning at a rapid rate and want to explore everything. Our nursery will provide a safe and stimulating environment for your child to introduce his or herself into the world through offering them every opportunity to explore and experiment. We will provide the care, support and attention to detail required to meet and support your child’s individual needs at this time moving them over to a nursery routine and introducing them to as many different ideas and activities as possible helping them to develop a true sense of self.

A kid is drawing and learning some new activities - Wimbledon Day Nursery

Your child will have a Key Worker, a member of staff who will be responsible for the day to day wellbeing of your child during their time at nursery. Your child will develop a close bond with this member of staff and a mutual respect and understanding making their time at nursery a more special experience and making nursery a place they feel loved, secure and safe to explore.

The staff will be planning and catering for your child’s individual needs using the Early Years Foundation Stage and Early Learning Goals creating a stimulating and nurturing environment for your child to flourish. Topics will be chosen based on the children’s interests and activities they’ve done at home. Each project will begin covering all areas of the curriculum and developing your child’s knowledge base in a fun and imaginative way.

If during your child’s time in this room they start to show interest in using the potty this will be fully supported by staff in partnership with yourselves to try and make the transition between nappy to pants as smooth as possible. Whenever you feel ready to start this journey please come forwards and talk to your child’s key worker before you start.

We believe that all children should be offered the opportunity to play in the outdoor areas everyday regardless of weather conditions as long as they have the right clothing and activities provided. We are lucky to have two large gardens, a nature garden and a sensory room that children can access. Staff plan in activities and share the areas to offer children a wide range of experiences including mud play, sensory play, sand and water areas, climbing areas, planting and exploring nature.

Example of Daily Routine

  • 7.30 – 9.15Breakfast time and free play
  • 9.15 – 9.30Snack
  • 9.30 – 10.15Garden time and free play
  • 10.15 – 11.15Focus activities
  • 11.15 – 11.30Circle time
  • 11.30 – 12.00Lunch
  • 12.00 – 2.15Sleep Time/ Snack
  • 2.15 – 3.15Garden Time & Free play
  • 3.15 – 4.00Focus Activities
  • 4.00 – 4.15Circle time
  • 4.15 – 4.45Tea Time
  • 4.45 – 5.15Music and movement
  • 5.15 – 5.30Story Time
  • 5.30 – 6.00Free play
Working Together

We believe if we work together with parents we can create the best possible early experience for your child. We ask all parents to be as involved with their child’s nursery life as they wish to be. We have parent observation forms for you to share your child’s achievements and their interests or activities you have done over the weekend.

We have an individual family story book and English as an additional language book so you can put in photos and words for your child to have a piece of home in the nursery and to enable staff to communicate with your child using familiar words and pictures to reassure them.

In our Toddler One Room you are also welcome to come and share a favorite activity, story or song with all the other toddlers in the room or offer ideas to staff to include in their day with your child. Staff will also have monthly activity sheets up on the parent board for you to take to try at home.

As your child is transitioning into the next room you will receive a transition pack from us which gives you information about the staff, routines and additional activities and developmental milestones that go with each room to help you and your child prepare for the upcoming change. In addition to this staff will offer transition meetings between rooms which offers you the opportunity to discuss changes in care, hear about your child’s current development and meet your child’s new key person.